We are an organization that is dedicated to the promotion of women through leadership, networking support and national recognition. There are 18,000 members nationwide and three major recognition awards annually.
Each year ABWA Express Networks emphasize the outstanding achievements of their members by electing a Woman of the Year. The Woman of the Year is recognized by the Houston Area Council of ABWA at an annual luncheon each year.
WOVEN’s 2024 Woman of the Year is Tiara Guard
This award emphasizes the accomplishments of the women being honored and to showcase their accomplishments. The Women of Excellence is recognized by the Federation of Houston Professional Women at an annual banquet each year.
WOVEN’s 2022 Women of Excellence is Nicole Cockburn
Each year, ten ABWA members are recognized for their outstanding professional achievement. From these ten, one is chosen as the American Business Woman of ABWA. You must be an Express Network or Chapter member in good standing for at least three years as of May 15 of the nomination year. Candidates are judged on ABWA Historical Profile, Formal Education (accredited or continuing education), Career Accomplishments, and Community Involvement.
Through this program, members can serve as role models for the entire membership, as well as achieve recognition for their accomplishments as businesswomen.
WOVEN’s 2023 Top Ten is Pat Guard